This is yet another example of Facebook’s failure to transparently disclose its data policies to its customers. Hello Readers!
This time, according to Bloomberg news, it has to do with outsourcing to “hundreds” of outside contractors transcribing its “Messenger Chats” into usable data (that is…for them to sell/mine or whatever their lack of transparency data policy allows them to do). Were you aware of this policy? Facebook says it doesn’t listen to your conversations, rather they hire hundreds of outside contractors to do this for them. Well isn’t that really the same thing? Of course it is. Facebook’s lack of transparency and abuse of client’s data is abysmal and disingenuous to say the least. That said, I have questions regarding these outside contractors hired by Facebook to do their dirty work, namely:
- Who are these outside contractors?
- What are their data policies?
- What do they do with your data once service is rendered for Facebook?
- Where are they located?
- Who is monitoring these contractors?
- How do they safeguard your data?
- Do they adhere to their data policies?
- How do you know? How is this verified?
- Who monitors their data data retention policies…in other words, who is holding them accountable for YOUR private data?
- Certainly not Facebook!
Once again, Facebook has proven that they can’t be trusted with the privacy of their client’s data. This is evidenced by their lack of transparency and lack of full disclosure to their clients in their data policies. Resulting in yet another reason for customers to close accounts at Facebook and send a message to their senior management. However, I don’t believe they really care about what you or I think…they’ve haven’t so far, so why should they change their stripes now?
If you don’t agree with Facebook’s customer data policies, then take a stand and make your voice heard. If you don’t really care about how your data is used without your approval or knowledge, then continue to have your account open at Facebook where your private data can be bought/ sold/ exchanged/ shared/ and traded with hundreds of data contractors who can do the very same thing with your private data if they have similar data policies in place! You can’t say you haven’t been warned!
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John 14:15