Is COVID-19 A Pandemic or Plandemic? This is the question many are asking us. We are NOT medical experts nor do we hold ourselves out to be in any sense of the word. We are business advisors…period. We simply do our research, share it with our readers, and let them make their own decisions across all spectrums of business issues or any other topic we choose to discuss.
PLEASE NOTE: Last week’s POST related to the data presented by the CDC and others regarding the COVID-19 pandemic contagion and mortality rates. We then presented an apples-to-apples vs. apples-to-oranges data comparison of the COVID-19 data vs. annual flu. We presented the data with one caveat (as we tell our clients), you should follow the data if you can trust the source and integrity of the data. If you can trust the source and integrity of the data, then you should proceed forward and analyze the data in an intelligent and meaningful way.
So our answer to the question “Is COVID-19 a Pandemic or Plandemic” is, it depends. It depends on who you ask, where your research takes you, and the conviction of weighing the evidence of untainted data in making your conclusion. That said, we decided to go off-mainstream news sources to alternative media sources we found online to be informative and credible.
If you question or don’t trust the sources and integrity of the data presented by mainstream media sources, then you need to conduct further investigation. This week’s post is focused on providing alternative perspectives on what is currently being reported by the mainstream media, government sources and health industry spokespersons. Below we’ve provided a documentary and several interviews for our readers to explore in furthering their research from alternative media perspectives. We hope you will finds these links insightful when contemplating “Is COVID-19 a Pandemic or Plandemic.”
- ttps://www.theepochtimes.com/coronavirusfilm?utm_source=Epoch_Times&utm_medium=Banner
- This link is a documentary from The Epoch Times regarding Covid-19 that appears to be well researched/documented and worthwhile to watch.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgnBldI7KPY&list=PLJipCwWnmNOb5ILPfpn9JK4G8eZu4Z2Az&index=14&t=0s
- This link is an interview on YouTube Valuetainment w/former NCI and Ph.D virus researcher regarding viruses and her experience. (THIS LINK WAS REMOVED FROM YOUTUBE YESTERDAY)…We believe this is censorship…Bad decision YouTube. So click on the link below:
- https://youtu.be/W7Lj1rNVHPM Hopefully YouTube will uphold our Constitutional Rights and freedom of speech by allowing this interview to be viewed publicly without censorship. ((THIS LINK TOO WAS REMOVED FROM YOUTUBE YESTERDAY.)
- Former AIDS Scientist Calls Out Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption – Patrick Bet-David This is an interesting unbiased interview worth watching.

- This is a direct link to an interview with Judy Mikovitz PhD called “Plandemicmovie.com“…This interview and movie link YouTube can NOT take down. I would encourage all of you to share these interview links with everyone you know so that individuals can listen to information that is outside the mainstream media, then be able to make a better and informed decision regarding COVID-19 and viruses etc.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnbf9wccdxE&list=PLJipCwWnmNOb5ILPfpn9JK4G8eZu4Z2Az&index=17&t=0s
- This link is an interview w/Dr. Buttar regarding Covid-19 from a physicians point of view.
- https://londonreal.tv/unmasking-the-lies-around-covid-19-facts-vs-fiction-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/
- This link is to Brian Rose’s website, www.Londonreal.tv This interview is with another U.S. doctor in New York (graduate of MIT and Duke University) regarding his knowledge of viruses and perspectives on Covid-19. (To gain access to the full interview, you may have to enter your email address, but no password is required.)
- https://youtu.be/QLi6ZrFp6vQ?list=PLJipCwWnmNOb5ILPfpn9JK4G8eZu4Z2Az
- DON’T MISS THIS LAST LINK! This is a very interesting capstone interview on Valuetainment with Robert Kennedy Jr.
We’re not here to tell you what to think or what to believe. We simply wanted to provide you with information for you to use in making sense of this crisis, and to provide some thought provoking perspectives. We hope the informational links provided will give you greater insight or perhaps a balanced insight so that you can better understand the issues surrounding COVID-19 and other related issues concerning viruses and pandemics. Perhaps now you can determine for yourself…Is COVID-19 a Pandemic or Plandemic, and the other issues that touch this crisis. You decide! We hope you find last week’s post and this week’s post informative and helpful or at the least…thought provoking. If there are broken links, please accept our apology. That said, broken links are becoming more common now, and it is most likely due to YouTube “cancelling” or taking down the videos because they violated their rules of content or conduct…however they spin it. What about the people’s right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment in this country? We don’t have to agree on everything someone says or stands for, but we should at least agree to disagree as well, right? Let individuals make up their own minds. The Government should not…NOR should Big Tech act as judge and jury when it comes to freedom of speech (in most cases). Leave that to the courts. Anyways, another topic for another day.
Again, listen to both sides of the issue, do your own research and due diligence, then make your own informed decision. Don’t let the mainstream media, government officials or big tech make your decisions for you. Until next time…
GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING, INC. – Provides lawyers/law firms, for-profit & non-profit organizations, and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services (M.A.P.), Business Optimization Services, and Digital Marketing Services. We help business professionals strategically manage and tactically grow their businesses more effectively and efficiently. We do NOT provide investment advice. Contact Us if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P. (our 3-phase business development & management solution), designed to help you strategically manage and tactically grow your business. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.