Zuckerberg Knew of ‘Problematic’ Privacy Practices, WSJ Says

A FACEBOOK FOLLOW-UP for our readers… We have posted several articles regarding Facebook and its lack of oversight and data privacy policies regarding customer data. We thought this article posted on Bloomberg as reported in the Wall Street Journal speaks to Mark Zuckerberg’s knowledge of data policies and might be of interest to you.
A Facebook Follow-up question for you: Have Americans compromised their ethics and moral values all for the sake of money? By supporting Facebook and it’s President Mark Zuckerberg it sure seems like we have. Does making excuses for Facebook and overlooking Mr. Zuckerberg’s lack of integrity, leadership and oversight reflect a change in our country’s moral compass? Are we personally compromising our integrity and moral values as a people, for the sake of the “almighty dollar”? It would certainly appear so…
Many Americans continue supporting Facebook, despite all the evidence of compromising policies and its customer data in lieu of profits. So, what does that say about us individually and as Americans? Do we value Facebook’s social conveniences and business generating capabilities at the expense of ethics, data policies, customer care, leadership and trust? Have you?
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John 14:15