Hello Everyone, we wanted to share a perspective with you on the Russian-Ukrainian war. Most of us have heard the widely accepted narrative on this war from the mainstream media and global government leaders for the past few months. We know Putin invaded the Ukraine, that’s a fact…but why? Is it that Putin wants to expand across eastern Europe and regain the former U.S.S.R.’s geographic boundaries? Or could it be that he simply wants to protect Russia’s borders? What’s the truth behind this?
As we all know (or at least we should all know), there are always two sides to every story. The two sides may not be equal, non the less, there are still two sides. In either case, we believe we have only heard one side. More and more, we are seeing and hearing global narratives that are shaping the thoughts, minds, perspectives, and policies of the world. Usually, it’s the people who suffer for the poor leadership of government leaders. So this begs the question…Is the current narrative “truth”? That’s what we at GMS and our readers and clients are always in search of…truth. We certainly don’t claim to know all the answers on various topics, but we do pride ourselves on considering alternative viewpoints and take them into consideration before arriving at a conclusion on any topic of importance. Thus, we are always willing to consider alternate perspectives especially when they deviate from the common, agreed upon narrative. Before we go further, please understand this point: Let us (GMS) state emphatically, that we are NOT supporters of either Putin nor Zelensky or war. War is brutal, ugly, and costly in all respects. We also believe in most cases, war can be avoided with strong, competent diplomacy backed by decisive, strategic and tactical military action (only if absolutely necessary). Unfortunately, we haven’t witnessed any competent level of diplomacy for many decades.
So let me ask you a question…Are you searching for “truth” or simply seeking information to back your personal conviction or inclination regarding the war in the Ukraine? So, we challenge you to open your mind to alternative sources and positions that may differ from what current government officials and the mainstream media are propagating. It’s a tough soul-searching question that all of us need to ask ourselves regarding any important issue. All we’re encouraging our readers to do, is to watch the following interviews and discussions below, then give some critical thought as to their informational content and perspective they present. Then, weigh it against what you have been hearing or listening to over the past year:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxONewfA9VA
- https://tube.solari.com/videos/reset-in-ukraine-with-karel-van-wolferen-1080p-hls/
LONDON REAL – Countdown to Crisis: (You may have to enter your email address to access this interview, but it is HIGHLY worth it…)
That said…we too (like many of you) are becoming increasingly skeptical of what global governments are presenting as “truth” on many topics of importance. This is especially true when they speak on a unified basis without transparency of open discussion and debate, rather, opting for censorship or cancelling any person opposed to their narrative. This became especially heightened to us when the mainstream media echoed the same message without independent, transparent, in-depth research, and a willingness to look at alternative viewpoints regarding the covid pandemic. What happened? The high-tech social media platforms took it upon themselves to violate every American’s constitutional right to freedom of speech…simply because they disagreed with another’s position, prevalent narrative, or corporate policy (at the expense of violating our constitutional right).
Could this also be the case regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war? We’ve shared a few perspectives with you that do not follow the mainstream media nor with global government leaders narrative. We’re not saying they’re correct in their stated positions, just that they simply should be allowed to be heard and considered in order for us to have a more complete understanding of an issue of such great importance, so that we can make better informed decisions rather than simply following the current narrative like sheeple into making poor policy decisions. The question you have to ask yourselves (each of us) is, are you willing to consider alternative perspectives? Or do you simply trust and comply with the mainstream narrative being pushed by global leaders and news sources as truth? We always encourage our readers to do their own homework and research. Listen to the above referenced interviews and compare them to what you’ve already heard. Get better informed…Listen to both sides of an issue. Then, make up your own mind…and come to a better balanced and informed conclusion.
GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING, INC. – Provides lawyers/law firms, for-profit & non-profit organizations, and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services (M.A.P.), Business Optimization Services, and Digital Marketing Services. We help business professionals strategically manage and tactically grow their businesses more effectively and efficiently. We do NOT provide investment advice. Contact Us if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P. (our 3-phase business development & management solution), designed to help you strategically manage and tactically grow your business. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.