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Our Shame & Embarrassment.

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

The U.S. national debt has become a shame and embarrassment to our country, and is now in excess of $22.2 Trillion.  Never before in the history of this world has any nation piled on so high a debt load as the U.S., and it keeps on growing and growing.  Read this page on the U.S. debt on Wikipedia, and watch this interview with Jim Rickards on the state of our economy, our national debt, and the reality of our financial markets.

The question many people have is, “So what does that mean to me?”  It means your financial future and your children’s financial future are at stake!  The value of the assets we own (with the exception of precious metals…gold/silver etc./and perhaps a few others) will not retain their value in the next economic meltdown.  Right now we are enjoying the “eye of the financial storm.” To the general public, nothing appears to be wrong.  There’s no financial crisis going on (yet), and life seems to be just plugging along just fine.  Is it…really?  If you look at the foundation of our economy, it paints quite a different picture. (Unfortunately, the foundation of the U.S. economy is debt.)  Isn’t this the same perception the public had before each financial crisis including the Dot Com crisis in 2000, and most recent economic collapse back in 2008? 

Back in 2008, our national debt was approximately $8.5 Trillion.  It took nearly 200 years of this country’s history to pile-up $8.5 Trillion in debt.  Now…Nearly 11 years later it has more than DOUBLED, mushrooming to more than $22.2 Trillion.  Still think that’s OK?  Or…Are we just plugging along with our financial and business senses buried in the sand?

Source: Wikipedia

So…Let me ask you a few simple questions:

  1. Do you believe everything is just fine financially in this country?
  2. How will you personally be impacted by this gargantuan mountain of debt?
  3. What are you doing right now to financially prepare your family and your business for the next financial crisis?

As the old saying goes, “Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.”  We as individuals need to take personal responsibility for ourselves and our financial future, now.  We would recommend that you meet with your trusted financial advisers very soon, and have them explain to you just how they have guided you and have structured your current investment portfolio to protect you in the next financial crisis.  If they don’t include having a significant portion of your portfolio held in precious metals (gold…physical gold, not gold stocks), then in our humble business opinion, your downside is not protected.

As we always tell our readers, “Don’t rely on others (including us!)…Think for yourselves, do your own research on the U.S. National Debt,” then compare it with the guidance from your trusted advisers.  Then make your own decision and accept the consequences and responsibilities from your own choices.

GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING, INC. – provides lawyers/law firms and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services, and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully manage and grow their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P. (our 3-phase business development & management solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


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Cryptocurrencies Are Failing…

Hello Everyone, this morning we saw an article on Bloomberg, on how cryptocurrencies are failing. That’s what we have told our clients and readers for the past year. The reasons why the cryptocurrencies are failing are two-fold:

  1. First, Blockchain technology is NOT the a sustainable platform for cryptocurrencies to be built on! Blockchain is neither practical nor sustainable, and is expensive. The future for these cryptocurrencies rest on a new technology that solves the issues that Blockchain has. This technology is called Hashgraph. See our post from from February 2018 on Hashgraph vs Blockchain technology.
  2. Secondly, Central Banks will NOT allow cryptocurrencies to be independently established in the mainstream financial system unless they either produce them or control them…period. If you don’t believe this, simply do a study on the power of the Central Banks/ the IMF/ the BIS and how they run the banking and financial world.

Until the underlying technology platform for crypto’s changes to a sustainable one like hashgraph, and the Central Banks either issue the crypto’s themselves or control them, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will be in the hands of the few with limited usability, and sky-high volatility. Currently, cryptocurrencies are unregulated digital currencies. In essence, they’re digital fiat currencies with little or no oversight, and they have very limited usability at this time. Be careful and do your homework before investing or converting your local currency into any cryptocurrency.

GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING, INC. – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow, manage and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P. (our 3-phase business development & management solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


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Digital Marketing Your Law Practice

Today’s post on Digital Marketing Your Law Practice is not focused on addressing our current clients, rather to the professionals we’ve been in touch with for the past two years.  More specifically, this post is focused on attorneys and business professionals within medium to large law firms… 

To those we’ve been in touch with over the past two years, we know that you…your practice has a digital presence on your firm’s website…obviously…we’ve viewed your web page.

We found you NOT because our internet search led us to you, rather, one of our staff was commissioned to look at all the professionals in your firm.  This took valuable staff time researching and clicking through various links and pages to finally arrive at your web page. That is NOT how prospective clients (outside your firm/direct contacts) seeking the services you provide would likely find you.  It’s an EXTREMELY inefficient manner to find you if someone is seeking an attorney with your expertise.  You deserve better, and we can help your target market, prospective clients more easily find you…  Keep in mind, your direct buyer most likely isn’t conducting the search…  If they haven’t received a direct referral from one of their sources, then the search is being conducted by an associate.  How would they find you amongst the sea of attorneys in your location with your expertise?  Chances are they won’t.  We can help potential clients find you, AND we can help you better promote you/your practice to strategic contacts within your centers of influence.

So long as your firm permits you to independently establish a Digital Marketing (DM) Plan and supporting DM Campaigns for your practice that are compliant with firm policies and lead prospective clients to your specific web page within your firm’s website…then we can help you.  Our team of DM experts can design, develop, implement, manage and monitor laser-focused DM Campaigns focused strictly on you…your practice, your expertise, and your value-proposition to direct your target market to your specific web page within your firm’s website.  The DM Plan and Campaigns our team designs will result in an increased number of relevant, focused target market contacts contacting you, ultimately resulting in new clients for you.  And our support doesn’t stop there!

At GMS Business Consulting, Inc. we provide consulting services to help optimize how you manage, market and grow YOUR specific law practice within your firm through our Digital Marketing Services and Business Development Services.  To learn more about our Digital Marketing Services and our Business Development Services (using M.A.P.), please Contact Us…We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING, INC. – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow, manage and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P. (our 3-phase business development & management solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


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The B.I.S.’s Perspective – On Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin

An ARTICLE posted on Bloomberg and on the Bank for International Settlement’s (BIS) website states that current cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) are not ready for prime time…  In fact, the BIS stated that not only is it not currently a sustainable global option for banking and financial market transactions, but in fact, it could “break the bank”!  The BIS provides an interesting perspective from within their own walls on cryptocurrencies that on the whole, we agree with.  Listen to this INTERVIEW segment with the BIS’s Hyun Song Shin, as he speaks about cryptocurrencies addressed in Chapter V of the Annual Economic Report 2018.  Mr. Shin simply and clearly articulates some of the key flaws in current cryptocurrencies, and in particular addresses some of the technology platform issues behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with which they are currently built on.  Please read the above referenced article and interview.  Once you have done so, we would like to share with you two additional perspectives…

PERSPECTIVE #1 – At GMS Business Consulting, Inc., we have been convinced for quite some time that cryptocurrencies are the future currency for worldwide banking and financial transactions.  HOWEVER, they will NOT be built on the distributed ledger technology of Blockchain technology.  It is well known in the technology world that blockchain technology, when used for massive amounts of data transactions like cryptocurrency, is not sustainable.  Hashgraph technology however is sustainable…This is simply a fact.  (You may refer to an earlier post on our blog about Blockchain vs Hashgraph technology.)  Blockchain is yesterday’s technology, but in our humble opinion, it is not the future technology, at least with regards to cryptocurrencies and other heavy data intensive needs.  Blockchain has proven itself to NOT be a sustainable technology for cryptocurrencies.  The FUTURE technology to be used in its place is called Hashgraph technology.  It is an extremely powerful and sustainable technology, with no miners needed, it’s very robust, scaleable and secure…all of which meet Mr. Shin’s criteria for a sustainable technology to meet the needs of cryptocurrencies and their use in replacing fiat currencies.

PERSPECTIVE #2:  We believe cryptocurrencies will NOT be unregulated.  As we’ve seen with all the current cryptocurrencies, they are extremely volatile, and are subject to manipulation, hacking etc. (although current fiat currencies are also manipulated).  One of the key issues why cryptocurrencies will not be controlled “by the people” to “run-free” so to speak, is that the banking and financial powers, regulators, governments, and central banks of this world won’t allow that to happen…period.  Do you really think these regulating powers would simply say, “Wow…we’ve had a good run for all these centuries, and made a lot of money too…we’ve also controlled and influenced world governments and economies too, but now we’ll let “the people” take over the banking and financial systems.”  Fat chance of that happening.  If cryptocurrencies are to replace fiat currencies (which we believe it will), it will ultimately be controlled and regulated by the IMF and the BIS in order to become a worldwide acceptable, regulated and usable currency that will use Hashgraph technology, not Blockchain technology.  (Once again, we refer you to our earlier POST regarding the differences between these two technologies.)

Remember, do your own homework by researching both these forms of technology, then you’ll be better informed to understand why the BIS is correct (in our humble opinion) on its view that current cryptocurrencies and the technology platform behind them, are unsustainable.

GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15

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Mark Schiefelbein/Associated Press

Mark Schiefelbein/Associated Press

The Facebook saga continues…  Hello everyone!  It’s quite clear (in our opinion), that Facebook puts profits ahead of preserving the privacy of its customers’ data.  Once an organization shares client data with any other organization, control (retaining and maintaining the privacy, security and integrity of that data) is lost…period.  Facebook cannot control third-party organizations and how they use/abuse/share the data once the data leaves its organizations’ infrastructure.  We’ll probably never know just how much individual personal data has been compromised by this social media giant.  Here’s the latest update in a New York Times article that Facebook itself states, “Facebook has data-sharing partnerships with at least four Chinese electronics companies, including a manufacturing giant that has a close relationship with China’s government, the social media company said on Tuesday.”

Does this surprise you?  It shouldn’t by now…at least it doesn’t surprise us.  In fact, it appears that there has really been no leadership within the Facebook organization from the beginning to current day who seriously spearheads organizational protocols for addressing customer data privacy, security and integrity.  What do you think would be happening if whistle blowers hadn’t come forward with this abuse of customer data?  Do yo think Mr. Zuckerburg would have come forward with his rather pathetic excuse/public apology for NEGLECTING the privacy, integrity and safekeeping of his customers’ data?  Or would they be rolling along as they have been for many years staying the course of business as usual?  We understand that Facebook most likely isn’t the only social media company that treats its customers’ data with such disregard of customer data privacy in exchange for revenue.  We’re sure there are others that do the same, perhaps they just haven’t been exposed…yet.

All said, it’s a lack of concern and at the least, a lax policy of safeguarding customer data privacy, as well as, perhaps taking advantage of using their Client Agreements to mask or bury the rights of what Facebook can do with customer data in the small print that is written far beyond the comprehension level of most its customers.  It’s practices like these that makes you wonder what else has been done or IS being done with our data without our knowledge?  The specific concern we’re expressing here isn’t so much focused on businesses using Facebook for business promotional and marketing purposes (it is important, but not the focus of this post), it has to do more with the individual personal users and the privacy of their data that concerns us the most.  Businesses are usually quite savvy and discreet when it come to publishing information on Facebook and other social media platforms, however the general public isn’t, and that’s where the problem and abuse of data privacy is of greatest concern to us.

We fully understand that there are challenges in how we function as businesses and as individuals in this digital age of social media communication (SMC).  As we all understand, SMC can be extremely powerful for business use and personal communication.  It can also be very destructive if abused by companies entrusted with the privacy and security of individuals data and the companies with which they share the data.  As time moves forward, and industry leaders think through and work through their business models and the responsibilities they have to their customers, and as the court rooms and congress begin to settle cases and draft legislation establishing boundaries of what are acceptable and unacceptable practices with consumer data privacy,  we are hopeful and optimistic that there will be better data privacy and security laws established and business protocols put in place , as well as greater transparency and responsibility regarding the privacy of individuals data.  That said, only time will tell… yet at what cost?  All we can say is be careful with the data (text and media files…all data files) you upload to Facebook and other social media platforms.  Do your own research into this problematic business practice of sharing your personal data with other organizations domestically and internationally without your expressed knowledge or consent, then use your own wisdom and discernment as to whether or not this is acceptable to you, and whether or not you decide to use the various social media platforms available that may exploit your personal data.  

GMS Business Consulting – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15

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The Coming Economic Crisis

Charles Schwab - Summer 2018 Issue - On Investing

Charles Schwab – Summer 2018 Issue – On Investing

Good morning everyone…this morning’s post is on how to prepare your practice for the coming economic crisis.  As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words…  The chart above is taken from the Charles Schwab Summer issue of “On Investing” (pgs. 20-21).  While we don’t give clients personal investment advice, we do guide clients through their business planning, strategizing and implementation through various economic cycles.  We have been warning clients for quite some time that markets are over-valued, and when they are over-valued, there is inherent risk…both to their personal net worth and to their business.  We guide clients to better prepare and position their businesses for economic upturns and downturns, and in our opinion, there is a looming monumental shift in our economy and in the financial markets on the horizon…

As the above chart shows, the stock market has gone to stratosphere levels during a time when interest rates (until VERY recently) have been at historic lows, yet the amount of U.S. and global debt has more than tripled since the 2008-2009 economic crisis!  Does this sound like a healthy economy?  Or does this better describe a stock market and an economy that has been inflated by excessive debt?

The tides are beginning to change…interest rates have been slowly increasing, and perhaps may even invert (signifying a coming recession…or perhaps worse), and costly fuel prices have been on the rise.  In our opinion, the stock/bond/real estate markets are all at frothy states of dangerous optimism.  Our advice to clients, family members and friends willing to listen is to:

  1. Shore-up your business and personal cash reserves.
  2. Re-position your business/practice Strategy to take advantage of the soon coming economic downturn.
  3. Re-position your business/practice Operations both offensively and a defensively to position your practice to survive and thrive in the soon coming economic storm.  (by implementing our M.A.P. solution)
  4. Re-position your business/practice Business Development initiatives both offensively and a defensively to position your practice to survive and thrive in the soon coming economic storm.  (by implementing our M.A.P. solution)
  5. Re-assess your business Value-Proposition to help your clients navigate a successful course through the coming economic head-winds.
  6. Define your desired target market industries within your sphere of professional expertise and influence that you can assist and add value to, then deliberately and consistently communicate your perspectives and value-proposition to them.
  7. Implement a M.A.P. (your Master Action Plan) to guide you step-by-step through all the fore-mentioned strategies, processes and procedures to successfully meet your clients needs, and ultimately meet your business goals and objectives.

To better understand how our M.A.P. can help successfully guide you and your clients through the coming economic crisis, Contact Us.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.

GMS Business Consulting – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15

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Deplorable Diplomacy

Hello Everyone,  It’s sad and embarrassing to have to post this video clip (fast-forward to the 46 minute mark) about our U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.(Nikki Haley), as someone who is supposed to represent our country’s diplomacy, but it’s so insulting and demeaning to the U.S. and to the world that we felt compelled to post this interview.  The content of what Ms. Haley states about our relationship with Russia is not only embarrassing, it’s an outright antagonistic escalation of unwarranted negative branding, and verges on the side of war mongering to another country.  Yes, it’s Russia…either the 2nd or 3rd most powerful country in the world…far more capable of damaging the U.S. than any other country we’ve been to war with since World War II.  Does Ms. Haley believe they’re as incapable a foe as N. Korea/Vietnam/Iran/Iraq/Egypt/Libya or Afghanistan?

From what we have seen regarding the “accusations” against Russia on poisoning a former spy and his daughter in the UK, and the recent “accusations” against Syria for chemical weapons use in the Damascus suburb of Douma, are still just accusations.  Where is the proof?  Is there any proof being presented before the UN or the UN’s Security Counsel?  Until definitive proof is presented before a world court and it’s authenticity proved, why escalate the rhetoric…for what reason…for what price?  For our U.S. Ambassador to state that “we will never be friends with Russia” is not only naïve, destructive, and hateful rhetoric, but she also greatly damages the overall integrity of U.S. Government diplomacy.  This kind of speech also misrepresents the views of many citizens of this country, to be a people of due process…bridge builders to the world.  Then to further state that we’ll “slap” them when needed, is demeaning, disrespectful, embarrassing and also naïve to the highest degree.  Where did the diplomacy of this great country go, when we would once “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?  Diplomacy should be intelligent, strategic, respectful and be conducted with firm, purposeful integrity.  This approach is the antithesis of diplomacy and should be an embarrassment to us all.

Is Ms. Haley trying to provoke a Russian military response?  She may very well accomplish this by utilizing this bullying tactic.  But at what cost to the U.S. and to the world?  Other than hiding behind the armchair of her diplomatic office, has Ms. Haley ever personally been involved in a real fight herself and receive the consequences of her words or actions?  I seriously doubt it…We believe her words clearly reveal her arrogance and naïveté in representing the U.S. in diplomatic affairs before the rest of the world.  Russia is NOT small middle east country to be dealt with in such a careless way.

What a sad day for the U.S. in displaying it’s incompetence and arrogance in foreign relations and diplomacy.  Where do we get these people to serve…to represent us… “we” the people of the United States?  If this is the best our great country can produce to represent us before the rest of the world in “diplomacy”, then God help us all…

GMS Business Consulting – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15


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Sandy Parakilas in San Francisco. ‘It has been painful watching. Because I know that they could have prevented it.’ Photograph: Robert Gumpert

Do you think your Facebook account data is stored, secured and kept private only at Facebook?  Think again!  This is not only a warning for Facebook users, this is a warning for all users of any social media platform or user of any other technology company’s software that we routinely and blindly grant permission and access to our personal data.  If you think this is just a Facebook issue…Think again.

Good Morning Everyone!  Think of all the information you post on your Facebook account or any other social media platform…  You assume that the only company who stores your account data and has access to your personal data is Facebook or the platform you’re currently using, right?  Wrong…  Do you ever wonder who else may have access to your data other than Facebook and why?   Why do they have access to it and what are they’re using it for…without your knowledge or permission?  You should be concerned.  We should all be concerned.  This ARTICLE  posted by (Paul Lewis in San Francisco – The Guardian – Tuesday, March 20, 2018) is about a former insider at Facebook who details the lack of security at the worlds most popular social media platform in the world.

We can’t adequately express our concern over data security at Facebook better than Sandy Parakilas, formerly the platform operations manager at Facebook responsible for policing data breaches by third-party software developers between 2011 and 2012.  The insight that Parakilas shares with us should be of no surprise to some of us.  However, the general public and the youth are most likely not aware of this issue that centers around data security and and privacy, and what breaches in these areas can result in further down the road, particularly in identity theft and abuse of our personal information.  Listen to this particular interview below with Christopher Wylie formerly with Cambridge Analytica (this interview is in the article itself too):

Today’s post centers on Facebook, however it has far broader implications that we’re drawing your attention to.  Daily, we download and update apps to our desktops and smartphones and post all kinds of information with a complete lack of understanding as to what we’re granting access to, and blindly granting permissioned access to second and third party organizations.  All the permissions and stipulations may be well buried in the details of the user agreement policy’s “fine-print” that we all so easily “Accept” as terms and conditions for using/downloading/updating our apps.

We’re really disappointed that the legal community hasn’t put all their brain power together to create and enforce “simple”, straight-forward options that on the one hand would protect individual users data privacy rights, and at the same time provide their clients with business opportunities to sell/share/market account users data (if granted permission by users in clearly defined options).  All that would be needed, is to REQUIRE all organizations wanting to sell/share or market their client data, to place two options before hitting the “Accept” or “Decline” options such as:

  1. An “OPT-OUT” option should be made available for personal data to NOT be stored/shared/used by any second or third party…and WITHOUT being denied use of the app.  In exchange for this option, the organization may provide a software version that has ads or they can charge a small fee to use the app w/all the updates and features.  These software options somewhat exist today with free or paid software on our smartphones.  HOWEVER… the lack of data rights is NOT spelled-out clearly and upfront, yet is buried in the details of user agreements, and if you don’t “Accept” the ENTIRE user agreement, then you can’t use the software.  This option would fairly address both sides of the issue.
  2. An “Opt-In” option should be made available for those individuals who don’t mind their data being sold/mined/shared/and marketed by 2nd or 3rd parties, and in exchange, they would have software apps that don’t run ads on their smartphones/computers or that this option allows them to purchase the app for free.

Again, these options somewhat exist today.  However, the one major component missing for the consumer is the ability to choose up-front, transparent “data privacy options” granting organizations permission as to how their personal data can be used, including storage/ sharing/ accessing/ mining/ selling/ and marketing of their personal data.  So, why not standardize the Opt-In/Opt-Out permission options?  Clearly stated data privacy options presented upfront and with transparency would allow consumers to better manage the privacy of their data privacy without denying them usage of software simply because they don’t want their data shared.  We think this is a reasonable approach.  What do you think?

Once again, this breach of data privacy at Facebook is only a wake-up-call… a warning to all of us to press companies and law makers to do a better job of securing our personal data, and give us the option to either opt-in or opt-out how our data can be used.

A second and equally important issue is, standardizing “how” businesses should secure client data…and our rights to data privacy, but these topics are for another discussion at another time…  Until then, we encourage you to read this Article from the Guardian to better inform yourself, then make a better decision as to how you use Facebook and other social media platforms and software going forward.

GMS Business Consulting – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15

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The Unemployment Rate being presented to the public…is it fact or fiction?

Good Morning Everyone!  We are amazed at how the mainstream media presents the unemployment rate in such a minimalist, general, uninsightful way.   We’ve all heard the saying, “There are lies and there are statistics.”  That is certainly the case when organizations present statistical information to the public.  Most individuals and organizations take for granted the information given to them, and generally trust the sources that deliver them…including the U.S. Government and notable news sources like Bloomberg in this recent Article dated March 15th.

What’s most important is to understand in any statistic released, is what are the assumptions made in developing the mathematical algorithms and equations that churn out this information.  That’s where alternate reliable sources of statistical information is helpful, such as John Williams’ website  I’m not going to get into the details of how the unemployment rate is calculated…you can learn more about how the unemployment rate is calculated by going to websites like Quartz and The Balance.  The point is, whenever statistics are given by an organization, just ask yourself, how could this organization benefit from the information/statistic they present?  In many cases, the data may be skewed in their favor…to suit their purpose.  Data Analytic firm provides their subscribers with statistical data to help make better investment and business decisions.  They have no agenda other than building their subscriber list, based on the value and integrity of the data they deliver.  They gain subscribers based upon the accuracy of their data.  So there are some good organizations out there attempting to serve the public and their clients with unbiased information.  You just have to search and research those out there in the market place.

The unfortunate reality is that the mainstream media really doesn’t do a good job in researching the data given to them by most organizations including our own federal/state/and local governments, as well as, other business organizations.  So when you see “official” unemployment figures being presented by the media, just understand they’re most likely not presenting the entire picture.  As we always recommend, do your own research, ask questions, then make a more informed decision.


GMS Business Consulting – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15

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Hello Everyone!

Today we’re going to share with you a technology that has emerged that in our opinion will replace Blockchain technology.  It’s called Hashgraph.  Listed below are several important interviews / discussions on this new Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).  We would highly recommend you listen to these and get familiar with this technology, as this is (in our opinion) going to be the new technology platform standard for the foreseeable future.

Over the past few months, we have learned through our research, that Bitcoin is unsustainable in its current platform using blockchain technology.  The experts below can explain the reasons why far better than we can.  So we encourage you to be patient, listen, and learn just as we are doing and will continue to do.  This first informative VIDEO is presented by Dr. Steve Pieczenk (MD and PhD who also  served under 5 U.S. President Administrations in the State Department), articulates quite clearly in  5-6 minutes “why” Bitcoin is not sustainable as a global currency:

This second video is a little lengthy yet very well done, more detailed, and begins with presenting the promises of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.  However, as this experienced investor/researcher discovers in furthering his research, there are serious limitations with Bitcoin and the Blockchain technology platform it’s based on.  Take a listen:

So, you want to know more about Hashgraph?  Below are several discussions and sources to listen to and research.  The founders and “Heavy Hitters” and master minds behind this technology of Hashgraph, are Leemon Baird & Mance Harmon.  Together they formed  SWIRLDS.  Check out their website and interviews available online.

This discussion below is with a group of Swirld’s key, yet few employees in an event in late 2017 hosted by Demetri Kofinas of Hidden Forces.

Below is Leemon Baird, the developer of Hashgraph and Co-Founder of Swirld, talking about this next evolution of technology that will revolutionize cryptocurrencies, the internet and the way we use technology in the world today and in the future.  Take a listen:

Below is another presentation on the Hashgraph technology by Leemon Baird PhD.

We hope you will find this post helpful and insightful.  This technology is extremely powerful with many, many applications and implications on how we are going to exchange, share and manage data and information in the future.  As we always state, do your own research and analysis.  Don’t rely on what we say or present.  We’re simply trying to bring to light information that we find to be of interest and value, and want to share with our clients and readers.

GMS BUSINESS CONSULTING – provides lawyers and business professionals with Accounting Services, Business Development Services, Business Optimization Services and Digital Marketing Services to help business professionals successfully organize, grow and operate their businesses more effectively and efficiently.  We do NOT provide investment advice.  Contact Us  if you are interested in learning more about our services, and in particular about M.A.P.(our 3-phase business development solution), designed to help you strategically focus and tactically grow your business.  We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you.


John 14:15