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Hello Everyone,  It’s sad and embarrassing to have to post this video clip (fast-forward to the 46 minute mark) about our U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.(Nikki Haley), as someone who is supposed to represent our country’s diplomacy, but it’s so insulting and demeaning to the U.S. and to the world that we felt compelled to post this interview.  The content of what Ms. Haley states about our relationship with Russia is not only embarrassing, it’s an outright antagonistic escalation of unwarranted negative branding, and verges on the side of war mongering to another country.  Yes, it’s Russia…either the 2nd or 3rd most powerful country in the world…far more capable of damaging the U.S. than any other country we’ve been to war with since World War II.  Does Ms. Haley believe they’re as incapable a foe as N. Korea/Vietnam/Iran/Iraq/Egypt/Libya or Afghanistan?

From what we have seen regarding the “accusations” against Russia on poisoning a former spy and his daughter in the UK, and the recent “accusations” against Syria for chemical weapons use in the Damascus suburb of Douma, are still just accusations.  Where is the proof?  Is there any proof being presented before the UN or the UN’s Security Counsel?  Until definitive proof is presented before a world court and it’s authenticity proved, why escalate the rhetoric…for what reason…for what price?  For our U.S. Ambassador to state that “we will never be friends with Russia” is not only naïve, destructive, and hateful rhetoric, but she also greatly damages the overall integrity of U.S. Government diplomacy.  This kind of speech also misrepresents the views of many citizens of this country, to be a people of due process…bridge builders to the world.  Then to further state that we’ll “slap” them when needed, is demeaning, disrespectful, embarrassing and also naïve to the highest degree.  Where did the diplomacy of this great country go, when we would once “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?  Diplomacy should be intelligent, strategic, respectful and be conducted with firm, purposeful integrity.  This approach is the antithesis of diplomacy and should be an embarrassment to us all.

Is Ms. Haley trying to provoke a Russian military response?  She may very well accomplish this by utilizing this bullying tactic.  But at what cost to the U.S. and to the world?  Other than hiding behind the armchair of her diplomatic office, has Ms. Haley ever personally been involved in a real fight herself and receive the consequences of her words or actions?  I seriously doubt it…We believe her words clearly reveal her arrogance and naïveté in representing the U.S. in diplomatic affairs before the rest of the world.  Russia is NOT small middle east country to be dealt with in such a careless way.

What a sad day for the U.S. in displaying it’s incompetence and arrogance in foreign relations and diplomacy.  Where do we get these people to serve…to represent us… “we” the people of the United States?  If this is the best our great country can produce to represent us before the rest of the world in “diplomacy”, then God help us all…

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John 14:15